My name is Cutuli the Unruli, and I'll be your guide.
On this Walkabout Rome, we skip the big things. So our day is especially geared for those who are travel weary and tired of paying a bunch of euros to see a lot of stuff that's falling apart.
We begin with that one and only mood setter for an unruli Walkabout: gelato. So here we are in the heart of Rome in Piazza Navona at the Tre Scalini gelato counter.

Do not look at the Bernini fountain and marvel at the power of the gods. You have all that the gods ever had right in your little cup. Besides, you will miss the pigeons watching the tourists from the leg of the river god.
Do look up at the far end of Piazza Navona to the rooftop of the apartment building—the setting for one part of the three-part film starring Sophia and Marcello: Ieri, Oggi, Domani...Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow.

So now enlivened by Spirit of Gelato, we leave the piazza, reminded by this sign outside a restaurant to be respectful of others and lower your voice. For us, it's not about lowering the voice but about walking about quietly. Looking for the unexpected moment not in the tour books.

And by the way, you will be happy to know that with their new president, Devi and Shanti are sure things will be looking up in Indonesia.

And we might also pause with the teachers protesting staff reductions and larger class sizes. Do not be discouraged if language seems like a barrier to communion of beliefs. There are cell phones that do instant translations. So sit a while, be with your cause, and know you are not alone.
Per Educare
For education
is fundamental. Yes, go ahead, take a peek at the ruins.
But aside from vacation.
Don't you like the word manifestation better than protest? For is our cause not something we wish to manifest.
For the unruli, such expression often comes through the arts.
But while great art is, well, great, there's also the art that is an expression of the human soul that does not reside in a museum. Take this chalk art on a sidewalk. Just there. No artist. No hat asking for money. And when the rain comes again, it will be gone.
And as we continue our walkabout, we come upon Encino, the artist of the leather bracelet. He comes every day to the same spot with his little cart that opens up into a display. The bracelets have sayings burned into the leather. When you find one with just the right messagio for you, Encino laughs with glee and delight in his creation.
Last year's bracelet messages for me:
La cosa più bella? Avere un cuore grande e saperlo donare con semplicità
The most beautiful thing? To have a great heart and to know how to give it with simplicity
Il più grande sbaglio nella vita è quello di ave' sempre paura di sbagliare
The biggest mistake in life is to always be afraid of making mistakes
This year's:
Non importa quanto piano cammini...importante è non fermarti...
It's not important how slowly you walk...it's important that you do not stop...
Good advice, even for the faceless guy with bobbing hat and sunglasses who shows up here and there, hoping for a coin and offering you a chair for a picture. I call him Street Magritte.
As we come toward the end of our walk, we begin to find that the answers, the meanings we seek are not in what we think we're looking for but in the unexpected. Those grand adventures are also often expensive and require of us inordinate energies of attention, time, and health.
Mystery unfolds in the small gesture of being present. Not "in the moment" as the cliché would have us believe. Although that is a skill that makes life more possible and certainly easier than trying to do and be all.
Remember the guy sitting in thin air? Well, wait long enough and keep walking about, and you will learn how it's done and know that under the darkness is just a guy coming down from his chair.
And at the end of your Walkabout, you will taste the colors of the vine and earth.
They will nourish you with all the wisdom of the unruli you will need for walking fearlessly among the ruins, for transcending cliché and empire.
I LOVE this. It was delicious. Yes, yes, you give the flavors so well but you do a superb job of educating and sharing the experience of the Italian art of living. I believe that those who have never been to Italy will be better prepared to be there after reading this blog, and I have yet to read most of your PERFECT CIRCLE blog. I prefer a dark cioccolata/nocciolo in a cup by the way.